McCourt School of Public Policy (MSPP)


This constitution provides procedures for the governance of the McCourt School of Public Policy (McCourt School). However, where there is a conflict between the constitution of the McCourt School of Public Policy and University or Main Campus policies that were voted on by the Faculty Senate or Main Campus Executive Faculty and approved by the Board, University and Main Campus policy shall govern. In developing this constitution, the McCourt School faculty recognizes the following governance principles:

  1. Governance of the McCourt School is subject to university-wide rules in many important aspects of rules and procedures.
  2. Consistent with the Faculty Handbook, the Senate Constitution, and MCEF policy, all faculty in Main Campus Units should be included in formal and informal governance processes of their immediate appointing unit, subject to clearly stated exceptions and restrictions. 
  3. The full-time tenure-line and full-time nontenure-line teaching faculty as a whole, in collaboration with the Dean, constitute the academic policy-making body of the McCourt School. On matters related to tenure-line hiring, promotion, merit review and workload policy, the tenure-line faculty, in collaboration with the Dean, constitute the decision-making body of the McCourt School. Within these bounds, the full-time tenure-line and full-time nontenure-line faculty as a whole shall determine and approve academic policy in accordance with the norms established by the President and Board of Directors of the University, and subject to the parameters set by the Provost and Main Campus and University policy. As noted above, this requirement does not preclude the Faculty Senate or Main Campus Executive Faculty, with approval of the Board, from adopting other policies with regards to the organizational structure and management of McCourt and other Schools. 
  4. The autonomy of the Dean to lead the institution should not be unduly limited.
  5. Distinctions by rank within the tenure-line faculty that do not impinge on the integrity of the promotion and tenure process should be minimized.


  1. Regular Tenure-Line Appointments
    1. When a position vacancy listing has been approved by the Provost, the Dean shall constitute a search committee composed of at least three McCourt School tenure-line faculty.  At the discretion of the Dean, the search committee may include full-time nontenure-line faculty or faculty members from other departments.
    2. Discussion and vote on initial appointment will include all tenure-line faculty, regardless of rank of candidate.
    3. Voting on rank and tenure at time of initial appointment should be conducted in a manner consistent with University and Main Campus policy.
    4. All votes should be conducted by secret ballot, with no proxy voting permitted.
    5. The Dean will oversee contract negotiations.
    6. Cases of expedited appointment of senior faculty should be conducted in a manner consistent with University and Main Campus policy. Tenure and promotion decisions in these cases should be carried out consistent with McCourt School policy as specified below.
  2. Joint Appointments
    1. When a joint position vacancy listing has been approved by the Provost, the Dean shall constitute a search committee in consultation with the Dean or Chair of the other cognate unit. The search committee shall include at least two McCourt School tenure-line faculty.
    2. Discussion and voting procedures shall be conducted as they are for regular appointments.
    3. The Dean will work with Dean or Chair of the other cognate unit to define commitment to each unit and to determine salary sharing. A memo of understanding will be developed to outline responsibilities and how merit review will be determined across the units.
  3. Tenure and Promotion
    1. When a faculty member is up for tenure and/or promotion, the Dean will appoint a committee and committee chair to oversee the review. The Provost will make the final decision on the addition of outside members after consultation with the candidate, unit, and the Dean. The committee must consist of at least three individuals, including at least two from the McCourt School. Faculty serving on a tenure committee must hold at least the rank the individual wishes to attain.
    2. If the individual seeking tenure and/or promotion has a joint appointment, their committee must include at least two members from the McCourt School.
    3. Once the committee has compiled the tenure and/or promotion information, the committee chair will provide a report to the eligible tenured faculty.
    4. Eligible faculty will vote by secret ballot to support or not support tenure and/or promotion. The result of the vote will be forwarded to the Dean, who will add his or her recommendation to the dossier, and then forward all materials to the Provost in accordance with University and Main Campus policy.
  4. Junior Faculty Annual Reviews and Mid-Tenure Reviews
    1. Each year, the Dean shall appraise the performance of each junior tenure-line faculty member. The performance evaluation shall encompass scholarship, teaching, and service

      and will be guided by the input of the Faculty Review Committee. A classroom visit by at least one full-time teaching faculty member (tenure-line or nontenure-line) shall be part of the process. In conducting the annual review for junior tenure-line faculty with a joint appointment, the Dean and the Dean or Chair of the cognate unit will each provide a written review of the annual performance.

    2. The Dean will forward annual reviews to the Provost, and provide a copy to the junior tenure-line faculty member.
    3. In accordance with University Pre-Tenure Review Policy, the McCourt School will conduct a large-scale review of a junior tenure-line faculty member at the mid-point of their tenure probationary period.
  5. Annual Merit Reviews
    1. Annual merit review for tenure-line faculty should be conducted in a manner consistent with the McCourt School policy outlined in the “Merit Review Policy for McCourt School Tenure-line Faculty” and with University and Main Campus policy.
  6. Leave Requests
    1. Requests for leave should be made in writing to the Dean, in accordance with University policies. The Provost reserves the right to overrule this decision should it be deemed inconsistent with Main Campus policies or equities.
    2. In accordance with University and Main Campus policy, the Dean decides whether a faculty leave request shall be supported or denied and forwards that decision to the Provost. The Provost reserves the right to overrule this decision. The Dean will generally support a leave request if:
      1. A sufficient number of tenure-line faculty remain in place.
      2. Relevant courses can be satisfactorily staffed.
      3. The faculty member requesting the leave has taught full-time for the preceding year.  Full-time work for a year implies full-time service and full-time teaching, unless the latter has been reduced by buy-outs approved by the Dean.
    3. A request for a leave to work for a government agency may be given special consideration.
  7. Non-Tenure-line Faculty Appointments
    1. Professors of the Practice
      1. It is the McCourt practice that Professors of the Practice may be appointed either at the full professor (Professor of the Practice) or associate professor (Associate Professor of the Practice) level.
      2. In accordance with University and Main Campus policy, persons appointed as Professor or Associate Professor of the Practice should have distinguished careers of public service, though those careers may have been primarily or exclusively outside of government, for example in non-governmental organizations, journalism, or international organizations.
      3. Professors and Associate Professors of the Practice may be appointed on either a full-time or part-time basis.
      4. Initial appointment of Professors and Associate Professors of the Practice shall be made:
        1. On the recommendation of the Dean for a term that is determined by the Dean and consistent with University and Main Campus policy, and;
        2. After a majority affirmative vote by the full-time teaching faculty in attendance at a McCourt School faculty meeting, subject to normal quorum requirements.
        3. In accordance with University and Main Campus policy.
      5. Reappointments for Professors and Associate Professors of the Practice and promotions from Associate Professor to Professor of the Practice shall:
        1. Be made on the recommendation of the Dean, and after review by a committee of full-time teaching faculty appointed by the Dean, and;
        2. Promotions require an affirmative vote by a majority of all full-time teaching faculty of rank at or above the equivalent rank to which promotion is being sought in attendance at a McCourt School faculty meeting, pursuant to normal quorum requirements.
        3. Be in accordance with University and Main Campus policy.  
    2.  Teaching Professors
      1. Teaching Professors may be appointed at the Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor level.
      2. Teaching Professors may be appointed on a full-time or part-time basis at the McCourt School or joint with the McCourt School and another unit.
      3. Initial appointments of Teaching Professors shall be made:
        1. On the recommendation of the Dean for a one-year term, and;
        2. For multiple-year appointments, after a majority affirmative vote by the full-time teaching faculty in attendance at a McCourt School faculty meeting, subject to normal quorum requirements.
        3. In accordance with University and Main Campus policy.
      4. Promotion of Teaching Professors shall:
        1. Require an affirmative vote by a majority of all full-time teaching faculty of rank at or above the equivalent rank to which promotion is being sought in attendance at a McCourt School faculty meeting, pursuant to normal quorum requirements.
        2. Be in accordance with University and Main Campus policy.
    3. Program Directors
      1. Program Directors for the McCourt School teaching programs may be appointed from among the tenure-line faculty, Professors and Associate Professors of the Practice, and Teaching Professors.
      2. Initial appointment of Program Directors shall be made:​
        1. On the recommendation of the Dean for a term that is determined by the Dean and consistent with University and Main Campus policy, and
        2. After a majority affirmative vote by the full-time teaching faculty in attendance at a McCourt School faculty meeting, subject to normal quorum requirements.​
      3. Reappointments for Program Directors shall:​
        1. Be made on the recommendation of the Dean;
        2. Be reviewed by a committee of full-time teaching faculty at least every three years;
        3. Require an affirmative vote by a majority of all full-time teaching faculty in attendance at a McCourt School faculty meeting, pursuant to normal quorum requirements.


  1. Appointing the Dean of Public Policy
    1. The Dean shall be appointed by the President of Georgetown University and shall report to the Provost.
  2. Associate and Assistant Deans
    1. The Dean may, as he or she sees fit, appoint Assistant and Associate Deans. These individuals may be tenure-line faculty, non-tenure-line faculty or staff members, and will serve at the pleasure of the Dean. The Dean is responsible for conveying job responsibilities to an appointed individual and assessing his or her performance annually, or appointing an appropriate representative to appraise performance.
    2. Faculty who fill roles as Assistant or Associate Deans will serve for a term as set by the Dean. Staff members in the same roles generally will not have a specific term.
    3. Faculty who serve as Assistant or Associate Deans will receive their faculty salary plus a stipend in the amount determined by the Dean. Staff salaries will be determined by the Dean at the time an individual is hired or promoted.
    4. The Dean should notify the faculty in writing when there are substantial changes in the number or specific duties of Assistant or Associate Deans.
    5. The Dean shall designate a particular Associate Dean to fulfill the role and administrative responsibilities of “Director of Graduate Studies” as required by the Graduate School for various matters (e.g. reviewing grade appeals).


  1. Voting Rights
    1. All tenure-line and non-tenure-line faculty have voting rights on those McCourt School committees on which they serve.
    2. Only tenure-line faculty have voting rights on matters of hiring, promotion, merit review and workload policies that pertain to tenure-line faculty. All tenure-line faculty and full-time teaching faculty on multiple-year contracts have voting rights in meetings of the full McCourt School faculty.
    3. At the first faculty meeting of the academic year, a determination will be made about extending voting rights to those full-time nontenure-line teaching faculty on single-year contracts. Voting rights will be granted to full-time nontenure-line teaching faculty on single-year appointments if the majority of tenure-line faculty and full-time nontenure-line teaching faculty on multiple-year contracts vote to extend such voting rights. If there are multiple full-time nontenure-line teaching faculty on single-year the vote on extending voting rights will be taken for each, individually.
    4. Only tenured faculty at or above the rank to which promotion is being sought may vote on tenure and promotion of tenure-line faculty, following the rules and procedures established by University and Main Campus policy.
  2. Faculty Meetings: Meetings will be called and scheduled by the Dean or the Dean’s designated representative. Meetings may also be called at the initiative of the majority of the McCourt School voting faculty. At least one faculty meeting will be held each academic semester.
  3. Quorum: A quorum consists of half of the faculty who are eligible to vote on a matter. A quorum is required for every vote required by this constitution. Faculty who are on leave do not count against the quorum, though count towards the quorum if they attend a meeting. Faculty may make arrangements with the Dean to participate in a meeting via telephone or video conference.


  1. Grievances regarding discrimination should be referred to the University’s Office of Institutional Diversity, Equity, and Affirmative Action (IDEAA).
  2. Grievances regarding sexual harassment should be addressed to the University’s Office of Institutional Diversity, Equity, and Affirmative Action (IDEAA).
  3. Faculty affairs are governed by the Georgetown University Faculty Handbook. Other relevant faculty appointment guidance is also found in the Faculty Handbook and elsewhere.
  4. Student affairs are governed by the Graduate Bulletin.
  5. Faculty, staff, and students are governed by all other rules and regulations of the University that are not explicitly mentioned above.


  1. All tenure-line faculty with voting rights in the McCourt School, and only those faculty, have voting rights on constitution revisions. Revisions to the constitution may be proposed by any tenure-line member of the faculty. Proposed revisions to the constitution should be circulated to all tenure-line faculty at least two weeks in advance of the meeting where they will be considered.
  2. A quorum of 65% of tenure-line faculty not on leave or sabbatical is required for a discussion of revisions of the constitution.  Faculty who are on sabbatical or on leave may vote if they choose to.  In order to vote on the revision, faculty must be present at the meeting during the discussion of the revision, either in person or electronically in real time.
  3. Approval of 65% of the faculty in attendance at the meeting, either in person or electronically in real time, during the discussion of the revision is required to enact an amendment.
  4. If a proposed revision to the constitution is amended during the faculty meeting at which the revision is discussed, the revision must be held over for a vote at the next meeting (with an amended revision circulated as in paragraph A above) unless the amendment to the proposed revision is approved by 80% of those at the meeting.
  5. In accordance with University policy, once a revision has been approved by the faculty it will be forwarded, through the Provost, to the President and Board of Directors for final approval.

Revised June 8, 2023